

As Chinua Achebe said so well in his novel "The world is collapsing": "I fear... Read more

As Chinua Achebe said so well in his novel "The world is collapsing": "I fear that if African culture is left to its own devices, it will die", which is why our editorial line consists of publish works that present Africa in a new narrative, borrowed from African values. We believe this is crucial for building African identity and restoring the dignity of Africans. As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”. We are convinced that the promotion of African thought is a crucial step in strengthening Africa spiritually, intellectually, culturally, economically and politically. We are proud to publish works that contribute to this promotion and to the preservation of our cultural heritage. We are also convinced that the emergence of courageous African entrepreneurs is essential for the economic development of our continent. As Ousmane Sembène wrote in his book "Le docker noir": "If we want to change Africa, we must change its entrepreneurial culture". That's why we are proud to publish books that highlight the inspiring stories of African entrepreneurs and encourage the creation of innovative businesses in Africa. Finally, we are aware that we have a responsibility towards future generations. As Wole Soyinka wrote in his book "Lion and the Pearl": "A people who do not protect their cultural heritage lose their memory, and when that happens, they are no longer a people". We are proud to publish books that are part of the legacy that our generation must leave for posterity.

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