100% cotton wax fabric. ⭐️ With an impression of very beautiful qualities and bright, shimmering colors. ⭐️ This fabric is perfect for making your dresses, suits, tops, your creative hobbies and decoration ⭐️ Let your creativity run free and make clothes and accessories for the whole family. The wax fabric offers you so many possibilities Sold in units of 2 yards / 116cm Care: We strongly recommend hand washing in not too hot water to preserve the fabric. But if you opt for machine washing, do not exceed 30 °
100% cotton wax fabric. ⭐️ With an impression of very beautiful qualities and bright, shimmering colors. ⭐️ This fabric is perfect for making your dresses, suits, tops, your creative hobbies and decoration ⭐️ Let your creativity run free and make clothes and accessories for the whole family. The wax fabric offers you so many possibilities Sold in units of 2 yards / 116cm Care: We strongly recommend hand washing in not too hot water to preserve the fabric. But if you opt for machine washing, do not exceed 30 °
Tissu wax 100% coton.
Avec une impression de très belle qualités et des couleurs vives, et chatoyantes.
Ce tissu est parfait pour la confection de vos robes, costumes,tops, de vos loisirs créatifs et la décoration
Laissez libre cours à votre créativité et réalisez des vetements et accesoires pour toute la famille.
Le tissu wax vous offre tellement de possibilités
Vendu par unités de 2 yards / 116cm
Entretien : Nous recommandons fortement le lavage à la main dans une eau pas trop chaude pour préserver le tissu.
Mais si vous optez le lavage en machine , ne pas excéder les 30°
Delivery Delay
France from 3 to 9 days.
France (DOM) from 6 to 12 days.
United States from 5 to 11 days.
Europe from 5 to 11 days.
International from 10 to 16 days.
Refunds and Exchanges
Money back guaranteed 15 days after reception.
Return shipping fees are at your charge and not refunded.
Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.
Perfect better than I imagined. Very friendly, active and attentive to the needs of the client. I intend to recommend Abi Créations soon, again thank you very much!
Parfait mieux que ce que j'imaginais. Personne très sympathique, active et à l'écoute des besoins du client. Je compte bientôt recommander chez Abi Créations, encore merci beaucoup!
Hello, I received my package very quickly. The fabrics are very beautiful and the quality is really at the top. Thank you very much and see you next time
Bonjour, j'ai bien reçu mon colis très rapidement.
Les tissus sont très beaux et la qualité est vraiment au top.
Merci beaucoup et à une prochaine fois
At ANKA, we do not believe in the myth of predefined sizes. Each body is different and deserves an outfit just as unique. Therefore, to use this guide, we recommend using your measurements in inches (as explained below) rather than the "4 to 22" sizes.
From there you can select the corresponding international size for your order, and each seller will then be able to make sure to send the PERFECT fit for YOU!
How to measure ?
Collar size
Measure around the neck at the neck.
Chest size
Measure around your bust where it is wider by placing the tape measure under the arms and over the shoulder blades.
Waist size
Measure in the hollow of the waist.
Hip size
Keep your feet together and measure the widest part.
Crotch tower
Measure the top of the crotch up to the ankle bone.
Fast shipping, I am very satisfied with my order, I would recommend without hesitation
Envoi rapide, je suis très satisfait de ma commande, je recommanderais sans hésitation
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