Let yourself be tempted by this beautiful finely gilded bronze ring. ⭐️ An essential accessory to perfect any outfit. It will delicately adorn your finger. . ⭐️ Entirely handmade in Ivory Coast by passionate and talented craftsmen, this jewel is inspired by the pieces worn during Akan ceremonies: marriage, investiture of village chiefs. ⭐️ It has a flexible closure to fit all finger sizes. 💡 Matching earrings available in the shop
Let yourself be tempted by this beautiful finely gilded bronze ring. ⭐️ An essential accessory to perfect any outfit. It will delicately adorn your finger. . ⭐️ Entirely handmade in Ivory Coast by passionate and talented craftsmen, this jewel is inspired by the pieces worn during Akan ceremonies: marriage, investiture of village chiefs. ⭐️ It has a flexible closure to fit all finger sizes. 💡 Matching earrings available in the shop
Gold Gender:
For Her Material:
Bronze, Cotton Jewel Style:
Non-fabric pieces
Laissez vous tenter par cette belle bague en bronze finement doré.
Un accessoire indispensable pour parfaire n'importe quelle tenue. Elle ornera avec délicatesse votre doigt. .
Entièrement fait à la main en côte d'ivoire par des artisans passionnés et talentueux, ce bijou s'inspire des pièces portées lors des cérémonies Akan : mariage, investiture de chefs des villages.
Elle est doté d’une fermeture flexible permettant d’épouser toutes les tailles de doigts.
💡 Boucles d’oreilles assortie dispo dans la boutique
Delivery Delay
France from 3 to 9 days.
United States from 5 to 11 days.
France (DOM) from 6 to 12 days.
Europe from 5 to 11 days.
International from 10 to 16 days.
Refunds and Exchanges
Money back guaranteed 15 days after reception.
Weared and personalized items will not be exchanged or refunded.
Return shipping fees are at your charge and not refunded.
Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.
Nothing to say: always on top in super fast delivery, the availability of the designer for information, the care given to the package, the privileged customer relationship 😍 and what about the products: I always repeat myself: only nuggets 🫶🏽👏 🏽 Thank you I really like my order 🥰🤩
Rien à dire : toujours au top dans la livraison super rapide, la disponibilité de la créatrice pour les renseignements, le soin apporté au colis, la relation client privilégiée 😍 et que dire des produits : je me répète toujours : que des pépites 🫶🏽👏🏽 Merciii j’aime trop ma commande 🥰🤩
The person for whom this product was intended is very satisfied. We were still surprised by the size, a 15 inch that looks like 17 inches. Good product
La personne à qui était destiné ce produit est très satisfaite. Nous avons tout de même été surprises de la taille, un 15 pouces aux airs de 17 pouces. Bon produit
Very beautiful earrings, perfect size and above all very light, I love it. Thank you very much for the magnificent gift, very nice attention I like it a lot. I recommend this designer, professional and kind, don't hesitate girls. Go for it!!!
Très belle boucles d'oreilles, taille parfaite et surtout très légères, j'adore. Merci beaucoup pour le magnifique cadeau ,très belle attention j'aime beaucoup. Je recommande cette créatrice, professionnelle et gentille, n hésitez pas les filles. Foncez !!!
I received the bracelet, not the one I ordered but an even better one as the one I had picked was out of stock. Got contacted by the owner, I was offered a substitute that I absolutely love. She even threw in an extra item as an apology gift(?) Not that it was needed by my account, but I would lie if say I didn’t appreciate the gesture and the gift 😉
Absolutely MAGNIFICENT ring! Full of character, and the material is really quality. Just by the stitch you can tell it's real bronze!! And there are lots of details on the elephant's face. I'm won over! I show off when I wear it 😂😂😂
Bague absolument MAGNIFIQUE ! Pleine de caractère, et le matériau est vraiment quali. Rien qu'au point on sent que c'est du vrai bronze!! Et il y a plein de détails sur le visage de l'éléphant. Je suis conquise ! Je me la pète quand je la porte 😂😂😂
At ANKA, we do not believe in the myth of predefined sizes. Each body is different and deserves an outfit just as unique. Therefore, to use this guide, we recommend using your measurements in inches (as explained below) rather than the "4 to 22" sizes.
From there you can select the corresponding international size for your order, and each seller will then be able to make sure to send the PERFECT fit for YOU!
How to measure ?
Collar size
Measure around the neck at the neck.
Chest size
Measure around your bust where it is wider by placing the tape measure under the arms and over the shoulder blades.
Waist size
Measure in the hollow of the waist.
Hip size
Keep your feet together and measure the widest part.
Crotch tower
Measure the top of the crotch up to the ankle bone.
Great communication and responsiveness of the seller at the top, sending the package received quickly.
Super communication et réactivité du vendeur au top, envoi du colis reçu rapidement.
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