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Raw YELLOW Shea Butter, undeodorized, unbleached, unrefined and 100% natural. This shea butter is made from Borututu root, hence the bright yellow color. Borututu is a yellow/orange tree that grows in the forests of northern Côte d'Ivoire. We lend homeopathic virtues to its bark.🌱 At the processing stage, women peel the bark and roots of the tree and add it to the manufacture of shea butter. The scent is a bit stronger. This shea butter is very rare and even more beneficial for the skin and its diseases. Very rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, F, it has benefits for the face, body and hair. It moisturizes, nourishes, soothes and protects. Perfect for all skin types, especially dry skin. 🤎 • Very effective as a massage butter. Detoxifies, fights against inflammation, stiffness, • Helps fight against dryness of the skin and hair, protects against UV rays; • Prevents the appearance of stretch marks; • Integrates perfectly into your skincare routine to firm the skin and give strength to the hair; • It helps to fight against skin aging and to fight against eczema; • Can be used directly raw or for the manufacture of homemade cosmetic products (ointment, creams, balms, face masks, hair masks, etc.); - PROVENANCE - Manufactured by 2 Ivorian cooperatives located in the town of Korogho (northern Côte d'Ivoire), our shea butter does not undergo any chemical transformation. THE YELLOW COLOR IS NATURAL. It is sold pure in order to preserve all its virtues and to respect the traditional methods used for its production. 🇨🇮 - CHARACTERISTICS - 🌱 Artisanal picking and production in 2022 📦 Packaging: 1kg pouch* ⏳ Store for up to 1 year after the year of production 🌡 Store away from heat (becomes soft from 25°C) * As the products are manufactured and packaged in the country of manufacture, product packaging may change depending on the availability of containers. But it is indeed the same product. We will do our best to respect the correspondence between the photos and the product received. - ADVICE / PRECAUTIONS FOR USE - There is no specific contraindication so everyone can use shea butter (even children and pregnant women). However, some people on health forums claim to be allergic to shea butter, claiming that it is a product made from shea nuts and therefore potentially allergenic. Furthermore Shea butter contains a small amount of natural latex. Allergy sufferers should therefore be careful! IT IS THEREFORE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO TEST THE PRODUCT ON THE FOREARM TO SEE ALLERGIC REACTIONS. . . . GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE: You will find all of our CGV in "the conditions of sale" and the FAQ which is at the bottom of the shop. 1. SENDING AND TRACKING When the package is sent, you will receive a message or email with the tracking number. Link for tracking: www.laposte.fr/outils/suivre-vos-envoi PARCEL TRACKING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER The parcel is delivered either by hand, or to your mailbox, or to the nearby post office . It is recommended to provide your phone number. You have 15 days to collect the package at the post office. After this time, it will be returned to the sender. Reshipment is the responsibility of the customer. How to write your postal address according to your place of residence: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adresse_postale 2. APPEARANCE, APPEARANCE, IMAGES OF PRODUCTS Information on the color, smell and appearance of products are given for information only in good faith. But the products being natural, the color, the smell and the aspect can vary from one batch to another. Several elements explain these variations, in particular the climate or the type of soil. The manufacturing process, although artisanal, is not standardized. It may therefore happen that tiny particles of natural sediment are present in the product. But all this DOES NOT ALTER THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT. In addition, the appearance of the products received may sometimes be slightly different from the images shown. The photographs illustrating the products are therefore not contractual, and cannot engage the responsibility of the Seller with regard to the consumer. 3. COMMENT AND OPINION ON GOODS Seller describes and promotes its products in good faith. The information provided about the beneficial properties (including "medicinal" and beauty properties) of the products is based on popular opinion. Seller does not express these opinions as based on fact. The beneficial effects of the products may vary depending on the user. Accordingly, Customer must exercise judgment with respect to any representations or recommendations made by Seller or any third party. 4. USE OF PRODUCTS AND AVAILABILITY Each Product is accompanied by a description drawn up by the Seller. The seller offers on his online store goods intended for cosmetic and external use only. The seller cannot be held responsible for the use of its Products for the manufacture of a product which would be placed on the market. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Seller is not the manufacturer of the items available for sale. The information on the availability of the products being transmitted by the suppliers and/or manufacturers, the definitive unavailability or the possible postponement of these dates could not engage the responsibility of SAS LOBIKO, nor give right to damages for the Customer.
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Raw YELLOW Shea Butter, undeodorized, unbleached, unrefined and 100% natural. This shea butter is made from Borututu root, hence the bright yellow color. Borututu is a yellow/orange tree that grows in the forests of northern Côte d'Ivoire. We lend homeopathic virtues to its bark.🌱 At the processing stage, women peel the bark and roots of the tree and add it to the manufacture of shea butter. The scent is a bit stronger. This shea butter is very rare and even more beneficial for the skin and its diseases. Very rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, F, it has benefits for the face, body and hair. It moisturizes, nourishes, soothes and protects. Perfect for all skin types, especially dry skin. 🤎 • Very effective as a massage butter. Detoxifies, fights against inflammation, stiffness, • Helps fight against dryness of the skin and hair, protects against UV rays; • Prevents the appearance of stretch marks; • Integrates perfectly into your skincare routine to firm the skin and give strength to the hair; • It helps to fight against skin aging and to fight against eczema; • Can be used directly raw or for the manufacture of homemade cosmetic products (ointment, creams, balms, face masks, hair masks, etc.); - PROVENANCE - Manufactured by 2 Ivorian cooperatives located in the town of Korogho (northern Côte d'Ivoire), our shea butter does not undergo any chemical transformation. THE YELLOW COLOR IS NATURAL. It is sold pure in order to preserve all its virtues and to respect the traditional methods used for its production. 🇨🇮 - CHARACTERISTICS - 🌱 Artisanal picking and production in 2022 📦 Packaging: 1kg pouch* ⏳ Store for up to 1 year after the year of production 🌡 Store away from heat (becomes soft from 25°C) * As the products are manufactured and packaged in the country of manufacture, product packaging may change depending on the availability of containers. But it is indeed the same product. We will do our best to respect the correspondence between the photos and the product received. - ADVICE / PRECAUTIONS FOR USE - There is no specific contraindication so everyone can use shea butter (even children and pregnant women). However, some people on health forums claim to be allergic to shea butter, claiming that it is a product made from shea nuts and therefore potentially allergenic. Furthermore Shea butter contains a small amount of natural latex. Allergy sufferers should therefore be careful! IT IS THEREFORE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO TEST THE PRODUCT ON THE FOREARM TO SEE ALLERGIC REACTIONS. . . . GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE: You will find all of our CGV in "the conditions of sale" and the FAQ which is at the bottom of the shop. 1. SENDING AND TRACKING When the package is sent, you will receive a message or email with the tracking number. Link for tracking: www.laposte.fr/outils/suivre-vos-envoi PARCEL TRACKING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER The parcel is delivered either by hand, or to your mailbox, or to the nearby post office . It is recommended to provide your phone number. You have 15 days to collect the package at the post office. After this time, it will be returned to the sender. Reshipment is the responsibility of the customer. How to write your postal address according to your place of residence: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adresse_postale 2. APPEARANCE, APPEARANCE, IMAGES OF PRODUCTS Information on the color, smell and appearance of products are given for information only in good faith. But the products being natural, the color, the smell and the aspect can vary from one batch to another. Several elements explain these variations, in particular the climate or the type of soil. The manufacturing process, although artisanal, is not standardized. It may therefore happen that tiny particles of natural sediment are present in the product. But all this DOES NOT ALTER THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT. In addition, the appearance of the products received may sometimes be slightly different from the images shown. The photographs illustrating the products are therefore not contractual, and cannot engage the responsibility of the Seller with regard to the consumer. 3. COMMENT AND OPINION ON GOODS Seller describes and promotes its products in good faith. The information provided about the beneficial properties (including "medicinal" and beauty properties) of the products is based on popular opinion. Seller does not express these opinions as based on fact. The beneficial effects of the products may vary depending on the user. Accordingly, Customer must exercise judgment with respect to any representations or recommendations made by Seller or any third party. 4. USE OF PRODUCTS AND AVAILABILITY Each Product is accompanied by a description drawn up by the Seller. The seller offers on his online store goods intended for cosmetic and external use only. The seller cannot be held responsible for the use of its Products for the manufacture of a product which would be placed on the market. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Seller is not the manufacturer of the items available for sale. The information on the availability of the products being transmitted by the suppliers and/or manufacturers, the definitive unavailability or the possible postponement of these dates could not engage the responsibility of SAS LOBIKO, nor give right to damages for the Customer.
Beurre de Karité JAUNE brut, non désodorisé, non décoloré, non raffiné et 100% naturel.
Ce beurre de karité est à base de racine de Borututu d'où la couleur jaune vif. Le Borututu est un arbre jaune/orangé qui pousse dans les forêts du Nord de la Côte d'Ivoire. On prête des vertus homéopathique à ses écorces.🌱
Au stade de la transformation, Les femmes épluchent l’écorce et les racines de l’arbre et l’ajoutent à la fabrication du beurre de karité. Le parfum est un peu plus fort.
Ce beurre de karité est très rare et encore plus bénéfique pour la peau et ses maladies.
Très Riche en antioxydants, vitamines A, D, E, F, il possède des bienfaits pour le visage, le corps et les cheveux. Il hydrate, nourrit, apaise et protège. Convient parfaitement à tout type de peau spécialement aux peaux sèches. 🤎
• Très efficace comme beurre de massage. Détoxifie, lutte contre les inflammations, les courbatures,
• Aide à lutter contre l’assèchement de la peau et des cheveux, protège des UV ;
• Prévient l'apparition des vergetures ;
• S'intègre parfaitement à votre routine soins pour raffermir la peau et donner de la force aux cheveux ;
• Il aide à lutter contre le vieillissement de la peau et à lutter contre l'eczéma ;
• Utilisable directement brut ou pour la fabrication de produits cosmétiques faits maison (pommade, crèmes, baumes, masques pour le visage, masques capillaires, etc) ;
Fabriqué par 2 coopératives ivoiriennes situées dans la ville de Korogho (nord de la Côte d'Ivoire), notre beurre de karité ne subit aucune transformation chimique. LA COULEUR JAUNE EST NATURELLE. Il est vendu pur afin de conserver toutes ses vertus et de respecter les méthodes artisanales utilisées pour sa production. 🇨🇮
🌱 Cueillette artisanale et production en 2022
📦 Conditionnement : Poche de 1kg*
⏳ À conserver jusqu'à 1 ans après de l'année de production
🌡 À conserver à l'abri de la chaleur (devient mou à partir de 25°C)
* Les produits étant fabriqués et empaquetés dans le pays de fabrication, les packaging du produit peuvent être amené à changer en fonction de la disponibilité des contenants. Mais il s'agit bel et bien du même produit. Nous ferrons de notre mieux pour respecter la correspondance entre les photos et le produit reçu.
Il n'existe pas de contre indication spécifique donc tout le monde peut utiliser le beurre de karité (même les enfants et les femmes enceintes).
Cependant, certaines personnes sur des forums de santé affirmeraient être allergiques au beurre de karité, avançant que c'est un produit fait à base de noix de karité donc potentiellement allergène.
Par ailleurs Le beurre de karité contient une petite quantité de latex naturel. Les personnes allergiques doivent donc être prudentes!
Vous retrouverez l'intégralité de nos CGV dans "les conditions de ventes" et les FAQ qui se trouve en bas de la boutique.
A l'envoi du colis, vous recevez un message ou un mail avec le numéro de suivi.
Lien pour suivi : www.laposte.fr/outils/suivre-vos-envoi
Le colis est livré soit en main propre, soit dans votre boite au lettre, soit au bureau de poste à proximité. Il est recommandé de fournir votre numéro de téléphone. Vous avez 15 jours pour récupérer le colis à la poste. Passé ce délai, il sera renvoyé à l'expéditeur. La réexpédition est à la charge du client.
Comment écrire son adresse postale en fonction de son lieu d'habitation : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adresse_postale
Les informations sur la couleur, l’odeur et l’aspect des produits sont données à titre indicatif en toute bonne foi. Mais les produits étant naturels, la couleur, l'odeur et l’aspect peuvent varier d'un lot à l'autre. Plusieurs éléments expliquent ces variations, notamment le climat ou le type de sol. Le processus de fabrication, bien qu'étant artisanal, n'est pas standardisé. Il peut donc arriver que de minuscules particules de sédiment naturel soient présents dans le produit. Mais tout cela N'ALTERE EN RIEN LA QUALITE DU PRODUIT.
Par ailleurs, l’apparence des produits reçus peut parfois être légèrement différente des images présentées. Les photographies illustrant les produits ne sont donc pas contractuelles, et ne peuvent engager la responsabilité du Vendeur à l'égard du consommateur.
Le vendeur décrit et promeut ses produits de bonne foi. Les renseignements fournis au sujet des propriétés bénéfiques (y compris les propriétés "médicinales" et de beauté) des produits sont basés sur l'opinion populaire. Le vendeur n'exprime pas ces opinions comme basées sur des faits. Les effets bénéfiques des produits peuvent varier selon l'utilisateur. Par conséquent, le client doit faire preuve de jugement en ce qui concerne les représentations ou les recommandations faites par le vendeur ou par un tiers.
Chaque Produit est accompagné d’un descriptif établi par le Vendeur. Le vendeur propose sur sa boutique en ligne des marchandises destinés à un usage uniquement cosmétique et externe. Le vendeur ne saura être tenu responsable de l’utilisation de ses Produits pour la fabrication d’un produit qui serait mis sur le marché.
Le Client reconnait et accepte que le Vendeur n’est pas le fabricant des articles disponibles à la vente. Les informations sur la disponibilité des produits étant transmises par les fournisseurs et/ou fabricants, l'indisponibilité définitive ou le report éventuel de ces dates ne saurait engager la responsabilité de SAS LOBIKO, ni ouvrir droit à des dommages et intérêts pour le Client.
Delivery Delay
- Germany from 5 to 11 days.
- France (DOM) from 10 to 16 days.
- Portugal from 5 to 11 days.
- France from 3 to 9 days.
- Spain from 5 to 11 days.
- Greece from 8 to 14 days.
- Ireland from 5 to 11 days.
- Italy from 5 to 11 days.
- Luxembourg from 5 to 11 days.
- Netherlands from 6 to 12 days.
- Switzerland from 5 to 11 days.
- Belgium from 5 to 11 days.
- Austria from 6 to 12 days.
- Denmark from 6 to 12 days.
- Finland from 6 to 12 days.
- Europe from 8 to 14 days.
- International from 15 to 21 days.
Refunds and Exchanges
- Money back guaranteed 14 days after reception.
- Weared and personalized items will not be exchanged or refunded.
- Return shipping fees are at your charge and not refunded.
- Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.
- New item.
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Beauty and Hair Skin Care Shea Butter name_en: Unscented name_en: Solid
Very good products. Used by the whole family. THANKS . O Top :)
Très bons produits. Utilisés par toute la famille. Merci . O Top :)
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